My Lord. ITS14 arrived and brought many interesting rules together with some changes to armies. What a lovely suprise that some of them are related with TAK and i am in love with some of these changes.

I was always complaining about i must bring dozer together with tractor muls. Now man. These days are over. You can bring two muls, two orders for 10 points is awesome. Poor dozer will hardly see any lists any more.

Moreover you can take a katyusha from Kuryer alone and still we dont need a dozer here too. Good work Corvus Belli. Before for such a thing, i had to bring two dozers. It was ridicilous indeed.

I am happy , our Rems are happy . They will be fielded more often now!

Guys. I was about to forget. Now we have a forward observer REM with repeater,  like other armies. We dont have sensor though. Kinda strange. It is 17 points and if it is not a mistake, it comes with  a guided trait. Most probably it is a mistake but we need to keep an eye to this part.

With ITS 14, forward observer REMS gain ECM-3 and marksmanship with tactical awareness. Not sure if it is alright to take him still with BS10. 

Anyways, important to take a note of warddriver has evo variant now. This one helps us with a defence against combat jump troops and maybe we can try to fierydust for our Kazakh veteran or ratnik.

Interestingly our all bikes gained mimetism-3 and they get a cost increase of 1.  118 Doc with bike, Carmen and Dynamos welcome this change. All of them are harder to hit for 1 extra cost is awesome in my book.

With these changes, TAK has climbed one more step, somewhere closer to best factions. Now we can enjoy to put some cheap troops to achieve 15 order lists more easy than before.


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