An unit that i love. Our button pushers. Our zone protectors. Here is one of our best units. Streloks.
Any ariadna sectorial in common has an infiltrator, who makes the button pushing duty. In TAK , this main duty is for Streloks. All of the profiles are fine , anyways lets go one by one and evaluate the importance of streloks together.
STRELOK (Forward Observer) Boarding Shotgun, Flash Pulse / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 20)
STRELOK (Minelayer) Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 21)
STRELOK K-9 Submachine Gun, Chain-colt, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 24)
K-9 ANTIPODE Trench-Hammer, AP CC Weapon. (0 | 8)
STRELOK Submachine Gun, Chain-colt, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 16)
STRELOK AP Marksman Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 25)
STRELOK T2 Marksman Rifle, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 29)
Initially, we have to tell that the main importance of these units are the decoys that they are bringing. If you have 3 streloks in your army, it means there are 3 decoy camo markers on the battlefield apart from the other camo markers. They are like infiltrators with forward deployment (8inch) ability.
Camo game ,which they settle are really awesome. Think about beasthunter profiles, minelayer scouts,tankhunters and spetsnazs. All of our mines, units and decoys markers around will make the opponent give hard decisions.
Camo + suprise attack faction ariadna strategies are valid here too.
In any list i try to bring at least one, normally 2 streloks in any list. A minelayer and a forward observer are my picks most of the time. These two bring 5 camo tokens at once on the table. Lets check the options.
Cheapest strelok is only 16 pts. Brings AP ammo with 3 burst, shock mines and also a chaincolt. You have 2 camo at once. Really good idea to bring this guy if you have already have a scout FO or an other strelok FO to push buttons. Cheap and effective. very optimised.
Strelok minelayer is 21 points. Cool unit that brings a mine and a decoy. You can hardly resist not bringing one in your army. Area control with a boarding shotgun is very effective defensively. Put this trio in a way to block a corner. One of the best units in the army.
Strelok FO is 20 points . You need this guy to push buttons. What a pity ,but he doesnt have mines. Try not forgetting this. I always do.
Strelok AP Marksmanrifle is 25 points and on a bs11 profile she is in competition with other juicy profiles. This longer range weapon is cool and you can kill higher arm units with this.
Strelok T2 Marksmanrifle . Well for 29 points i would ask for bs12 at least. Ok if you are lucky she can kill a nwoundinc. or 2w troop at once but i can five 9 points more and take a tankhunter instead.
Strelok with her sweetheart with K9. Interesting profile. Apart from being standart smg wielding strelok you also have a wolfy. K9 has camo and sensor ability. Like minelayer, profile brings 3 camo markers at once. Sensor almost in mid table is fantastic. In your first order, you can sensor the enemy camo. In suprise attack sequence, she attacks with 4 burst and opponent has to make a hard decision here. ( 3 burst smg + 1 burst trench hammer ) Trench hammer is DA weapon so if the enemy unit underestimate it, he will be sad later.
Wolfy can also get in CC . Although he is not the best profile for CC, you can get a help from the lady strelok and attack with 2 burst. Then it will mean something. If you can suprise your opponent, beast can attack either with AP or DA weapon. Ph 15 is not bad with AP weapon. But dont expect that you can kill a TAG easily. With her climbing plus ability, she can go unexpected places very easily.
Fantastic strategy to kill a difficult unit with ease is to attack with these couple first and then bringing your beastmaster closeby with 2 heavy pistols for an attack of extreme burst of 4- DMG16 (Heavy pistol 14 + 2) with CC21.
K-9 has climbing plus! It will help you to attack troops that you can hardly reach normally.

I thought about giving them 4 stars at first but their swissknife skills changed my mind. You need Streloks in any list if you are playing TAK.
Don't forget that Strelok K-9 also has climbing plus, one of the best skills in the game. Strelok K-9 also benefits from faq1.2 shooting from total cover tricks.
ReplyDeleteHi there. Thanks for the comments. Can you clarify the second sentence. Would be happy to add in. checking the page nr.10. Do you mean this part ? Be able to draw Line of Fire (LoF) to the
Deletetarget of the BS Attack in the location you are
attacking it, unless the BS Weapon, Skill or
piece of Equipment used doesn’t require LoF.